The Future of Workforce

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Globalization, technology, racial injustice, climate change, resource constraints, and a growing population are just a few variables pressuring our existing systems, especially the basic concept of work. The pandemic exacerbated these factors and led to a massive attrition of human capital across all sectors.

Today, as our economy begins to grow back, human capital again is needed to fill millions of jobs across the U.S. and right here in our region. Pre-pandemic, a person’s work-life provided some sense of structure and parity within a business culture but how can we adapt that structure to a more modern workforce and still perform at high levels. We have an opportunity to re-imagine what a workplace and workforce can and should be, so it’s insulated from future disruptions and provides more equity. Recruitment and talent acquisition will be key to attracting the right mix of skilled labor.

Given what we know about the pressures affecting all of us, this panel will discuss emerging trends and begin to identify ways to select and recruit talent from a highly skilled labor pool.

About the Future of Work Series

This extended series explores how the pandemic and other dynamics have influenced changes in how we work, and by extension how we live, learn, travel, shop, and interact.