DMV Value Accelerator Workshop

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The average company leaves 27% of its value on the table, but owners and CEOs often don’t know where that value gap is or how to capture it.

AEG and the Greater Washington Board of Trade are offering a complimentary interactive workshops to help CEOs find and capture that missing value.

We recognize a CEO’s time is precious so our workshops get right to the point of helping you find your pain points and help you grow. In 60 minutes, you’ll get an individual  assessment of your company’s current and potential value and identify three highest-ROI growth opportunities.

The assessment software used was developed by an MIT scientist who ran 40,000 companies across the US through it to create the actionable feedback needed by a business owner to fix the problems and gain back that missing value.

The assessment does not require company financial data, results are confidential and you will get an immediate report of your results. We will discuss key growth strategies for the most common value gaps and provide resources to capture your missing value.

This complimentary assessment ($500 value) is most effective for companies $1-50M annual revenue. Attendance is limited to the first 20 for each of these sessions.

Criteria and Information to Participate:

  • This workshop and the associated assessment is designed for companies generating annual revenues of $1M – $50M.
  • Participants should be the company CEO, CFO or other decision maker who knows the full scope of the business activities
  • Participants should come with their NAICS code (from tax return info).  If it is not handy, a facilitator can help look it up
  • During the workshop, the participant will use their laptop or tablet to complete the 15-minute on-line assessment of their business
  • All assessment responses are confidential and the participant will receive a report directly to their email after completing the questionnaire
  • Only aggregated data will be used when the facilitator debriefs with the group. For Maximum benefit of the evaluation, participants should be honest about all aspects of their business.
  • Attendance will be capped at 20 for each workshop